Flash Comics [ashcan]

Fawcett, 1940 Series
Published in English (United States) United States
Random Cover from Series #[nn]
January 1940
Cover Gallery 
Publication Dates:
January 1940 - January 1940
Number of Issues Published:
2 (#[nn] - #1)
Black and White
Standard Golden Age U.S.
Paper Stock:
Glossy cover ?
Publishing Format:
Publication Type:
Series Details:
Indicia Publishers:
  • without indicia publisher information (2 issues)
One of two ashcan produced that did not secure the trademarks. The other is Thrill Comics (Fawcett, 1940 series).

This title has two known issues. One version features the Golden Arrow. The other version features early version of Captain Marvel named Captain Thunder.

Unable to secure trademarks for Thrill, Flash, or Captain Thunder, Captain Thunder would be renamed as Captain Marvel. Thrill and Flash renamed as Whiz Comics with issue #2.

The eight-page origin story of Captain Thunder essentially corresponds to the first seven pages as published in the first issue of Whiz Comics (#2) with the 13th and final page of the full story.

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