Timeline Graphic Novels

Houghton Mifflin, 2006 Series
Published in English (United States) United States
Publication Dates:
[October 1] 2006 - 2007
Number of Issues Published:
60 (#[1] - The Golden Scarab - #60)
Standard Modern Age U.S.
Paper Stock:
Coated Stock
Perfect Bound
Series Details:
Publisher's Brands:
Indicia Publishers:
While several numbers are associated with every issue in this series most of them only appear on the publisher's order forms. Issue numbers here have been established from the publisher's house ads on the inside back covers, from the publisher's order form, and from the known release dates. It is possible that the printing order is different somewhat. These graphic novels were never intended for sale outside of the academic community and were not distributed to bookstores or comic shops. Some online retailers, Amazon in particular, carried some of the issues.

Index Status

Cover Status

Image Resources Status