Norsk ukeblad

Ernst G. Mortensen, 1933 Series
Published in Norwegian (Norway) Norway
Publication Dates:
5. januar 1935 - ?
Number of Issues Published:
2311 (#1/1935 - #52/2008)
Series Details:
Publisher's Brands:
#30/1965 mangler dato for Trixie.
Ufullstendig index: #1-2/1946, #52/1959, #48/1972.

The individual issues of this series are each less than 50% comics. Only comics sequences are indexed and cover scans are accepted only if the issue has 10% indexed comics content.

Index Status

Indexed Partially Indexed Pending Approval Reserved Skeleton Data Only

Image Resources Status

SoO and Indicia Indicia SoO No Scans