Jesters League of America

Topps, 1967 Series
Published in English (United States) United States
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Publication Date:
Number of Issues Published:
four color
standard bubblegum card size, 2.5"x3.5"
Publishing Format:
Series Details:
Indicia Publishers:
  • without indicia publisher information (1 issue)
Intended for distribution for 0.05 USD with a piece of bubblegum.
No indicia; no issue numbering.

One of 16 Topps "Krazy Little Comics", though that phrase appears only on the wrappers, not on the individual comics. Each book in the series ran to eight pages and was printed on cheap newspaper stock.

Titles in the series: "Badman", "The Bantam", "Blunder Woman", "Captive American", "Fantastic Fear", "The Flush", "The Incredible Hunk", "Jesters League of America", "The Lone Rancher", "Mandrain the Magician", "Prince Violet", "The Amusing Spider-Guy", "Stuporman", "Sub-Marine Man", "Tarsam", and "The Meekly Thaw"

Topps apparently believed that, since the comics were satire, they weren’t subject to copyright law and pushed ahead without obtaining permission from Marvel, DC or King Features, whose characters they parodied. However, Topps’ lawyers eventually advised caution and the entire range was dropped, with none of the comics being released officially.

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