Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales

Harry N. Abrams, 2012 Series
Published in English (United States) United States
Random Cover from Series #7 - Raid of No Return: A World War II Tale of the Doolittle Raid
November 2017
Cover Gallery 
Publication Dates:
2012 - present
Number of Issues Published:
13 (#[1] - One Dead Spy - #[13] - Above the Trenches)
Color covers and endsheets; black and white interior
5 3/4" w x 7 3/4" h
Paper Stock:
Publishing Format:
Ongoing Series
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Series Details:
Publisher's Brands:
Indicia Publishers:
Nathan Hale is the name of the author/artist, as well as the historical person who was hanged by the British during the Revolutionary War. The historical Hale acts as a host for the series, telling tales from history (usually U.S. history) to the hangman who is about to hang him and the British soldier who is guarding him, who offer commentary. No time seems to pass as the tales are told, so this small cast of recurring characters are always on the hangman's platform, telling and listening to tales from history.

The series has no explicit age guidelines, but is marketed to a primary school and young adult audience. Despite the treatment to appeal to a younger audience, the subjects are generally covered rather in depth.

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