Charles Starrett as the Durango Kid

Magazine Enterprises, 1949? Series
Published in Spanish (United States) United States
Publication Dates:
1949 ? - 1956 ?
Number of Issues Published:
60 (#1 - #60)
Four Color
Standard Golden Age U.S.
Paper Stock:
Publishing Format:
Was Ongoing Series
Publication Type:
Series Details:
Indicia Publishers:
Published in Spanish in the United States for domestic and Latin American distribution. Eventually Mexican publisher La Prensa took over the series. At this time it is not known if the first issue actually was #1. The last issue before publication was moved to Mexico is also unknown. The information given here is an educated guess. While the dates for the series are not yet known either, it seems unlikely that the Spanish language series would have predated the English language series nor does it seem likely that publication in Spanish would have continued beyond the termination of the English language series.

Index Status

Indexed Partially Indexed Pending Approval Reserved Skeleton Data Only

Cover Status

Scan available Needs Replacement No Scan available

Image Resources Status

SoO and Indicia Indicia SoO No Scans