

Disambiguation: Santo Vaccarro, from X-Men

First published in: 2003

Rockslide is a mutant whose body is composed of inorganic granite. He boasts superhuman strength, stamina, and durability. At first Rockslide made rock projectiles from his limbs, but now he can explode his body and reform from surrounding rocks. When Rockslide explodes and reforms he is slightly different in appearance and sometimes abilities. The last time he reformed he was an elemental lava creature. Due to the changes he experiences when reforming, Beast hypothesizes that he is actually a psychic entity rather than a physical one, and he has the power to form and control a stone golem.

First appearance of Rockslide is in New Mutants (Marvel, 2003 series) #3. Rockslide was created by Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir, and Keron Grant.



Appearances With a Character Origin Universe:

Appearances With a Story Universe:


  1. alias of - Santo Vaccarro [Rockslide] (p. 2003)


  1. republished as - Rockslide [Santo Vaccarro, Terre-616] (p. 2004) (French)

Group Memberships:

  1. Hellions Squad [Marvel] (p. 2004)
    2004 - present (formal)
    Notes: Rockslide joins the Hellions Squad (first team) in New X-Men (Marvel, 2004 series) #2. Rockslide joins the Hellions Squad (second team) in New Mutants (Marvel, 2020 series) #1.