Ghost Rider


Disambiguation: Daniel Ketch


Created by Howard Mackie and Javier Saltares. First Appearance in: - As Ghost Rider in Ghost Rider (Marvel, 1990 series) #1 (May 1990) - As Spirit of Corruption in Ghost Rider (Marvel, 2019 series) #4 (March 2020)


    Ghost Rider

Appearances With a Character Origin Universe:

Appearances With a Story Universe:


  1. alias of - Daniel Ketch [Ghost Rider]
  2. specialization of - Ghost Rider [unspecified]
  3. identity also held by - Cosmic Ghost Rider [Frank Castle] (p. 2018)
  4. identity also held by - Ghost Rider [Carter Slade; Night Rider; Phantom Rider] (p. 1967)
  5. identity also held by - Ghost Rider [Johnny Blaze] (p. 1972)
  6. identity also held by - Ghost Rider [Alejandra Jones] (p. 2011)
  7. identity also held by - Ghost Rider [Robbie Reyes] (p. 2014)


  1. republished as - Ghost Rider [Danny Ketch] (Dutch)
  2. republished as - Ghost Rider [Daniel Ketch, Terre-616] (p. 1991) (French)
  3. republished as - Motoqueiro Fantasma [Daniel Ketch] (p. 1991) (Portuguese)

Group Memberships:

  1. New Fantastic Four (p. 1990)
    1990 - present (formal)
    Notes: Joined in Fantastic Four (Marvel, 1961 series) #347 (December 1990).
  2. Secret Defenders [Marvel] (p. 1993)
    1993 - present (formal)
    Notes: Joins in Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme (Marvel, 1988 series) #50 (February 1993)