Frances Kane


Disambiguation: DC, Magenta

First published in: 1982

Frances Kane, aka Magenta, was friends with Wally West in childhood but when she became an adult, received magnetic powers. As time went on she vacillated back and forth being both ally and enemy of the Flash, as well as the Teen Titans, whom she joined. She fell under the control of the Cicada Cult at one point and was possessed, thus explaining some of her behavior. Her mental problems continued as she allied herself with one after another villainous groups.

Created by Marv Wolfman and George PĂ©rez.

First appearance in The New Teen Titans (DC, 1980 series) #17 (March 1982).



    Frances Kane

Appearances With a Character Origin Universe:

Appearances With a Story Universe:


  1. secret identity of - Magenta [DC, Frances Kane] (p. 1982)

Group Memberships:

  1. The Children of Trigon [minions of Raven] (p. 1995)
    1995 - 1995 (formal)