Silver Samurai


Disambiguation: Kenuichio Harada

First published in: 1974


First appearance in Daredevil (Marvel, 1964 series) #111 (July 1974).


    Silver Samurai

Appearances With a Character Origin Universe:

Appearances With a Story Universe:


  1. alias of - Kenuichio Harada [Silver Samurai] (p. 1974)


  1. republished as - Le Samouraï d'Argent [Keniuchio Harada, Terre-616] (p. 1978) (French)
  2. republished as - Samurai de Prata [Terra-616; Keniuchio Harada] (Portuguese)

Group Memberships:

  1. Black Spectre (p. 1974)
    1974 - present (formal)
    Notes: Silver Samurai worked for Black Spectre due to a debt his father owed to the Mandrill.
  2. Hydra [Marvel] (p. 1965)
    1979 - ? (associated)
    Notes: Was first shown as Hydra leader Viper's bodyguard in Marvel Team-Up (Marvel, 1972 series) #83 (July 1979).
  3. X-Men (p. 1963)
    2005 - present (formal)
    Notes: Silver Samurai of Earth-295 was a member of the X-Men in that universe (Age of Apocalypse).