Black Panther


Disambiguation: T'Challa

First published in: 1966


Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. First Appearance in Fantastic Four (Marvel, 1961 series) #52 (July 1966).


    Black Panther

Additional Names:

  1. Black Leopard

Appearances With a Character Origin Universe:

Black Panther [T'Challa, Earth-616] (p. 1966) - mainstream
Black Panther [T'Challa, Earth-1051] (p. 2020) - Earth-1051
Black Panther [Earth-691; T'Challa] (p. 1976) - Earth-691

Appearances With a Story Universe:


  1. alias of - T'Challa [Black Panther] (p. 1966)
  2. specialization of - Black Panther [unspecified] (p. 1966)
  3. generalization of - Black Panther [T'Challa, Earth-616] (p. 1966) - mainstream
  4. generalization of - Black Panther [Earth-691; T'Challa] (p. 1976) - Earth-691
  5. generalization of - Black Panther [T'Challa, Earth-1051] (p. 2020) - Earth-1051


  1. republished as - Black Panther [T'Challa] (Dutch)
  2. republished as - Black Panther [T'Challa] (German)
  3. republished as - Pantera Negra [T'Challa] (p. 1969) (Portuguese)
  4. republished as - Panthère Noire [T'Challa, Terre-616] (p. 1973) (French)

Group Memberships:

  1. Agents of Wakanda (p. 2019)
    2018 - present (formal)
    Notes: Founder.
  2. The Avengers [Marvel superteam] (p. 1963)
    1968 - present (formal)
    Notes: Joined in The Avengers (Marvel, 1963 series) #52 (May 1968).
  3. Fantastic Force (p. 1994)
    ? - ? (formal)
  4. Fantastic Four (p. 1961)
    2007 - 2007 (formal)
  5. The Illuminati [Marvel] (p. 2005)
    ? - present (formal)
  6. The Ultimates (p. 2002)
    2015 - present (formal)