Green Lantern


Disambiguation: Hal Jordan of Earth, Sector 2814

First published in: 1959

Hal Jordan of Earth became the Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814 following the death of the previous Green Lantern, Abin Sur of Ungara.

Hal Jordan first appeared as Green Lantern in Showcase (DC, 1956 series) #22 (September-October 1959). He first became Pol Manning in the 58th Century in Green Lantern (DC, 1960 series) #8 (September-October 1961). Hal became Parallax in Green Lantern (DC, 1990 series) #50 (March 1994). He sacrificed his life to save the Earth in The Final Night (DC, 1996 series) #4 (November 1996). Hal first appeared as The Spectre in Day of Judgment (DC, 1999 series) #5 (November 1999). He was resurrected and resumed his role as Green Lantern in Green Lantern: Rebirth (DC, 2004 series) #4 (March 2005).

Link: Link:


    Green Lantern

Appearances With a Character Origin Universe:

Appearances With a Story Universe:


  1. alias of - Hal Jordan [Green Lantern / Parallax / Spectre] (p. 1959)
  2. specialization of - Green Lantern [DC, unspecified]


  1. republished as - Green Lantern [Hal Jordan de la Terre, Secteur 2018] (p. 1962) (French)
  2. republished as - Groene Lantaarn [Hal Jordan] (p. 1969) (Dutch)
  3. republished as - Gröna Lyktan [Hal Jordan] (p. 1962) (Swedish)
  4. republished as - Lanterna Verde [Hal Jordan] (p. 1962) (Portuguese)
  5. republished as - Linterna Verde [Raúl Jordán] (Spanish)

Group Memberships:

  1. Green Lantern Corps [unspecified] (p. 1959)
    1959 - present (formal)
  2. Justice League [JL] [JL only team] (p. 1987)
    2011 - present (formal)
  3. Justice League Europe [JLE] (p. 1989)
    1992 - present (formal)
  4. Justice League of America [JLA] (p. 1960)
    1960 - present (formal)