Born: 1944 May 29 in 福井県 [Fukui Prefecture], Japan

Biography: Ryoichi Ikegami (池上遼一) is a manga artist who made his debut in 1961. Known for a "naturalistic" style. Among his best known works are Mai the Psychic Girl (舞), Crying Freeman (クライング フリーマン), Sanctuary (サンクチュアリ), Strain, Spider-Man the Manga (スパイダーマン), Wounded Man (傷追い人), Nobunaga, Heat and others.

Notes: To be confirmed against the Who's Who entry.

Sample Scan:


    池上遼一 Type: Name at Birth
    Given name: 遼一 Family name: 池上

Other Names:

  1. Ryoichi Ikegami Type: Common Alternative Name
    Given name: Ryoichi Family name: Ikegami


  1. 1995: Inkpot Award - [no name]

Art Influences:

Influences by 池上遼一 (b. 1944) were stated by:
  1. Jean Sinclair (b. 1978)