Born: 1945 May 21 in Chicago, Illinois, United States

Biography: Joe Martin created Mister Boffo, Willy 'N Ethel, and Cats with Hands.

Syndication credits:
Cats with Hands daily and Sunday (Los Angeles Times Syndicate) 1999-09-13 - 2001-XX-XX [Writer and artist.];
Cats with Hands daily and Sunday (Tribune Media Services) 2001-XX-XX - 2005-10-23 [Writer and artist.];
Cats with Hands daily and Sunday (Neatly Chiseled Features [Joe Martin's self-syndicate]) 2005-10-31 - 2020-XX-XX [Writer and artist.];
Mister Boffo daily and Sunday (Tribune Media Services) 1986-06-09 - 1994-XX-XX [Writer and artist.];
Mister Boffo daily and Sunday (Universal Press Syndicate) 1994-XX-XX - 2001-12-XX [Writer and artist.];
Mister Boffo daily and Sunday (Tribune Media Services) 2001-12-XX - 2005-10-30 [Writer and artist.];
Mister Boffo daily and Sunday (Neatly Chiseled Features [Joe Martin's self-syndicate]) 2005-10-31 - Present [Writer and artist.];
Porterfield daily and Sunday (News America Syndicate) 1984-11-05 - 1987-03-15 [Writer and artist.];
Porterfield daily and Sunday (North America Syndicate) 1987-03-16 - 1988-11-12 [Writer and artist.];
Porterfield daily and/or weekly (Neatly Chiseled Features [Joe Martin's self-syndicate]) 1988-XX-XX - 1995-XX-XX [Writer and artist.];
Tucker daily and Sunday (Field Enterprises) 1978-04-30 - 1980-XX-XX [Writer and artist.];
Tucker daily and Sunday (Joe Martin [self-syndicating, Neatly Chiseled Features ?]) 1980-XX-XX - 198X-XX-XX ? [Writer and artist.];
Willy 'n Ethel daily and Sunday (Field Enterprises) 1981-XX-XX - 1984-04-22 [Writer and artist.];
Willy 'n Ethel daily and Sunday (News America Syndicate) 1984-04-23 - 1987-03-15 [Writer and artist.];
Willy 'n Ethel daily and Sunday (North America Syndicate) 1987-03-16 - 2001-03-XX [Writer and artist.];
Willy 'n Ethel daily and Sunday (Universal Press Syndicate) 2001-03-XX - 2001-12-XX [Writer and artist.];
Willy 'n Ethel daily and Sunday (Tribune Media Services) 2001-12-XX - 2005-10-30 [Writer and artist.];
Willy 'n Ethel daily and Sunday (Neatly Chiseled Features [Joe Martin's self-syndicate]) 2005-10-31 - Present [Writer and artist.]

In 2001, Martin was declared by The Guinness Book of World Records as "the most prolific published cartoonist ever" for drawing three seven-day-a-week comic strips at the same time.

Notes: Not to be confused with the Joe Martin pen name used by creator Jack Miller nor the Joe E. Martin pen name used by Munson Paddock.

Also not to be confused with the editor, writer, artist, and letterer of 1990s American independent comic books, Joe Martin.


    Joe Martin Type: Common Alternative Name

    Disambiguation: 1970s onward comic strip creator of Mister Boffo and Willy 'N Ethel


  1. Joe Martin [generic]