Justice League America


Disambiguation: JLA

First published in: 1989

Justice League America (JLA) was a continuation of the Justice League International series and first appeared in Justice League America (DC, 1989 Series) #26 (May 1989). Justice League America's team name is a play on the original Justice League of America team name.

The team ended in 1996 for a return to the original Justice League of America team name.


    Justice League America

Appearances With a Group Origin Universe:

Appearances With a Story Universe:

Group Members:

  1. Batman [Bruce Wayne] (p. 1939)
    1989 - present (formal)
    Notes: Legacy member from JLI.
  2. Blue Beetle [Ted Kord] (p. 1966)
    1989 - present (formal)
    Notes: Legacy member from JLI.
  3. Booster Gold [Michael Jon Carter] (p. 1986)
    1989 - 1990 (formal)
    Notes: Legacy member from JLI.
  4. Doctor Fate [Linda Strauss] (p. 1989)
    1989 - present (formal)
  5. Fire [Beatriz da Costa] (p. 1988)
    1989 - present (formal)
    Notes: Legacy member from JLI.
  6. Guy Gardner [Green Lantern] (p. 1968)
    1989 - present (formal)
    Notes: Legacy member from JLI.
  7. General Glory [Joseph Jones] (p. 1990)
    1991 - present (formal)
  8. The Huntress [Helena Bertinelli] (p. 1989)
    1989 - present (formal)
  9. Ice [Tora Olafsdotter] (p. 1988)
    1989 - present (formal)
    Notes: Legacy member from JLI.
  10. Lightray [New Gods] (p. 1971)
    1990 - present (formal)
  11. Martian Manhunter [J’Onn J’Onzz] (p. 1955)
    1989 - present (formal)
    Notes: Legacy member from JLI.
  12. Mister Miracle [Scott Free, Scot] (p. 1971)
    1989 - present (formal)
    Notes: Legacy member from JLI.