Tim Valour

H. John Edwards, 1956 Series
Published in English (Australia) Australia
Publication Dates:
1956 - 1957
Number of Issues Published:
19 (#11 - #29)
colour cover; black and white interior
Paper Stock:
Publication Type:
Series Details:
Publisher's Brands:
  • without publisher's brand information (19 issues)
Indicia Publishers:
  • without indicia publisher information (19 issues)
This is the third series of Tim Valour comics. H. John Edwards published three series:
- Series 1: #1 (1948) to #38 (1951). Issues are priced 6d and 8d.
- Series 2: #10 (1951) - #50 (1954). Initial issues are marked 'New Series'. #10 to #36 have 8d pricing and can be mixed up with issues of the first series. Pricing then rises to 9d.
- Series 3: #11 (1956) to #29 (1957). Issues are priced 9d and 1/-.
There are also two one-shots, 'Special' and 'T.1' (approximately 1955).

Index Status

Indexed Partially Indexed Pending Approval Reserved Skeleton Data Only

Cover Status

Scan available Needs Replacement No Scan available

Image Resources Status

SoO and Indicia Indicia SoO No Scans