Captain Marvel [Captain Marvel Adventures]

L. Miller & Son, 1953 Series
Published in English (United Kingdom) United Kingdom
Random Cover from Series #v1#24
27 January 1954
Cover Gallery 
Publication Dates:
[19 August 1953] - 27 January 1954
Number of Issues Published:
24 (#v1#1 - #v1#24)
Colour cover; Black and White interior
Paper Stock:
Publishing Format:
was ongoing series
Publication Type:
Series Details:
Publisher's Brands:
Indicia Publishers:
Fourth Captain Marvel series by L. Miller & Son.

Indicia title is "Captain Marvel", cover title on early issues is "Captain Marvel Adventures", later issues vary (like "Captain Marvel Man" on v1#23 and "Captain Marvel Adventures: The Marvelman" on v1#24).

Issues are numbered only on the cover, not in the indicia. There are no publication dates on the comics, though they can be inferred by the weekly schedule and some known dates. The indicias have copyright dates but these are the copyright dates of the material they are reprinting, so they don't indicate the actual date of the comic.

Index Status

Indexed Partially Indexed Pending Approval Reserved Skeleton Data Only

Cover Status

Scan available Needs Replacement No Scan available

Image Resources Status