Tales of Suspense

Marvel, 1959 Series
Published in English (United States) United States
Random Cover from Series #52
April 1964
Cover Gallery 
Publication Dates:
January 1959 - March 1968
Number of Issues Published:
99 (#1 - #99)
standard Silver Age U.S.
Paper Stock:
glossy cover; newsprint interior
Publishing Format:
was ongoing series
Publication Type:
Series Details:
Launched as an SF anthology series along with Tales to Astonish (Marvel, 1959 series) and Strange Worlds (Marvel, 1958 series) to expand and revamp Marvel's SF line (along with the revived Journey Into Mystery (Marvel, 1952 series) and two pre-existing titles) following Jack Kirby's return to the company. Tales of Suspense included an Iron Man feature from #39 (March 1963), a Tales of the Watcher feature from issues #49–58, and a Captain America feature from issue #59 (November 1964). Tales of Suspense introduced Iron Man, Black Widow [Natasha Romanoff] and Hawkeye.

It is well known that Stan Lee (sometimes assisted by Larry Lieber, or Lieber on his own) wrote the overwhelming majority of uncredited stories in the early monster-story issues. Where there is no positive confirmation, credits may be listed as "Stan Lee ?; Larry Lieber ?", or either person individually, or simply "?", according to the indexer's best information.

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