Komikai Micro Comics Ultimate Marvel

Spin Master, 2005 Series
Published in English (Canada) Canada
Random Cover from Series #[5] - Ultimate Spider-Man #5

Cover Gallery 
Publication Dates:
2005 - 2005
Number of Issues Published:
71 (#[1] - Ultimate Spider-Man #1 - #[71] - The X-Men #2)
1.25 in. x 1.75 in.
Paper Stock:
Publishing Format:
was ongoing series
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Series Details:
Publisher's Brands:
Indicia Publishers:
  • without indicia publisher information (71 issues)
Komikai is a combination of collectible trading cards and comic books. This series reprints Marvel various comics with back covers replaced by pin-ups of various Marvel characters. All have other interior changes from originals. Sold singly and in in plastic blister packs of 5 and 7 comics, apparently randomly grouped like baseball cards, packaged with hard, transparent, plastic cases called "Kaiza" that help to protect the Komikai during game-play, and a magnifying glass (called a "Magna-Kaiza") to facilitate reading.

Komikai is played like marbles. Kaizas, each containing a mini-comic, are arranged standing up, and players take turns to try to knock them down with a throwing Kaiza. Each Komikai has a points value, from 50 to 500. Players decide whether to play for bragging rights or for keeps.

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