Wonder Book of Rubber

B. F. Goodrich, 1947 Series
Published in English (United States) United States
Random Cover from Series #PRD-66
Cover Gallery 
Publication Dates:
1947 - 1973
Number of Issues Published:
14 (#[nn] - #PRD3-173)
standard Golden Age U.S.; later standard Silver Age U.S.
Paper Stock:
semi-matt white stock cover (first edition); newsprint cover (all later editions); newsprint interior
Publishing Format:
was ongoing series; giveaway
Publication Type:
giveaway; history; promotion
Series Details:
Indicia Publishers:
A promotional/giveaway comic from the B.F. Goodrich Company and was created, produced, and probably printed as well by the advertising firm Johnstone & Cushing. This series evolved over several versions.

Each edition has changes from the previous edition to indicate the latest developments in rubber technology. The original edition has a semi-matt white stock cover with a copyright date of 1947 on the back cover with a newsprint interior. All later versions are newsprint throughout, with the majority having a PRD number printed at the foot of the back cover; or in the case of PRD67 at the foot of page 30. That product code number is also the year in which the edition was printed. Dating is also approximated by the latest information on the company timeline illustration called the B. F. Goodrich's Famous Firsts in Rubber Chemistry list.

Known versions (latest timeline information), approximate date:
[nn], Copyright 1947, B.F. Goodrich Co. Printed in U.S.A.
[nn] [1948], (1948 ‘Zipper Conveyor Belt’), 1948.
PRD-5, (1954 ‘Reproduction of True Molecule...’), 1955.
PRD-5, (1957 ‘Radiation Cured Passenger Car Tire’), 1957.
PRD-9, (1959 ‘Koroseal Flexible Magnet’), 1959.
PRD-61, (?), 1961.
PRD-62, (1961, ‘Tire Designed For Airplanes’), 1962.
PRD-63, (1962 ‘Glass Cord V-Belt’), 1963.
PRD-64, (1964 ‘Largest Glass Filament’), 1964.
PRD-65, (1964 ‘Largest Glass Filament’), 1965.
PRD-66, (1964 ‘Largest Glass Filament’), 1966.
PRD-67, (1967 ‘Aztran Leather-like Poromeric Material’), 1967.
PRD5-170, (1969, ‘Self-Folding Non-Rigid Inflatable Jack’ 100th anniversary), 1970.
PRD3-173, (1971 'Cushioned Steel Radial Tire, © The B. F. Goodrich Company 1973), 1973.

Known cover image types:
Type 1: [nn] to PRD-5, a scientist at a machine and propellor aircraft against a mountain.
Type 2: PRD-5 (revised, c 1957), a scientist with test tubes and new propellor aircraft.
Type 3: PRD-9, PRD-61, and PRD-62, a scientist with test tubes and passenger jet aircraft.
Type 4: PRD-63 to PRD-67, Astronaut and rocket, and same passenger jet aircraft.
Type 5: PRD5-170, Dr. B.F. Goodrich and rocket, same passenger jet aircraft, and Centenary flash,
Type 6: PRD3-173, Dr. B.F. Goodrich and rocket, new passenger jet aircraft, and Centenary flash gone.

Other editions may exist (Research/notes by Frank Motler).

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