Classics Illustrated

Published in English (Canada) Canada
Random Cover from Series #47
[April] 2008
Cover Gallery 
Publication Dates:
2007 - December 2013
Number of Issues Published:
86 (#1 - The Three Musketeers - #173 - The Argonauts)
Standard Modern Age US
Paper Stock:
Heavy White paper, cardboard covers
Publishing Format:
Was ongoing series.
Publication Type:
Series Details:
Publisher's Brands:
Indicia Publishers:
Series continues as Classic Comics (2016 series).
Continues the Gilberton Classics Illustrated series with reprints and new issues reprinted from the European series and other sources. The stated goal of Jack Lake Productions is to reprint the entire series including European and other international issues that were not in the original United States series. As of the termination of the series, four new titles had been added to the series.

Issue #124, the 2005 first in this series, also exists in a hardcover edition.
In late 2007, issues #1, 4, 5, and 170 were added.
In February 2008, issues #6, 16, 19, and 26 were added.
Issues #42, 47, 60, and 64 were added in April 2008.
Issues #91, 133, 134, and 138 were added in August 2008.
In early 2009 issues #7, 9, 23, 54, 59, 83, 99, and 128 were added.
In late 2009 issues #18, 39, 68, 78, 87, 95, 100, and 108 were added.
Issues #96, 129, 57, 43, 153, 53, 171, and 3 (in that order) were added in October 2010.
Issues #49, 37, 65, 142, 72, 106, 112, and 121 (in that order) were added in December 2010.
Issues #147, 46, 35, 69, 13, and 2 were added in August 2011.
Issues #161, 160, 118, 71, 45, and 10 were added in November 2011.
Issues #48, 110, 172, 125, and 144 (in that order) were probably added in October 2012.
Issues #84, 149, 157, 77, and 81 (in that order) were probably added in November 2012.
According to the publisher, print runs were drastically reduced after 2012.
Issues #12, 24, 27, 36, 38, 75, 76, 101, and 173 were added in December 2013.
Issues #8, 15, 28, 31, 73, 74, 89, 98, 102, 130, and 156 were added in late-2014.
Apparently, in early-2015 Jack Lake Productions lost their license to produce Classics Illustrated.

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