O Pirilau

Henrique Torres, 1939 Series
Published in Portuguese (Portugal) Portugal
Random Cover from Series #42
17 de Agosto de 1940
Cover Gallery 
Publication Dates:
[4 de Novembro de 1939] - 11 de Janeiro de 1941
Number of Issues Published:
63 (#1 - #63)
black & white; two color
21 x 29 cm
Paper Stock:
Publishing Format:
was ongoing series
Publication Type:
Series Details:
Indicia Publishers:
Issues #1-13 are undated. There is an index for the first 50 issues, sent only to subscribers, and a publisher-issued cover to bind issues #1-25.

Pages are numbered sequentially for the whole series, ending with page 612. First and last page of each issue are not numbered.

Issue #25 announces a badge for "O Pirilau".

The comics included one-page inserts with paper constructions on one side and "Clube Aventura" section on the other. They could be purchased separately for 0.10 PTE in regular paper or 0.50 PTE in cardstock. Issues #13 to at least #54 announce "Construções de Armar" inside or on the cover. Matching the inserts to each issue is very difficult, as they are not numbered. This indexer was told they may be from issues #12, 14, 15, 16, 21, 23, 26, 27 and 55, the remaining two being unknown.

The 11 paper constructions, numbered #1 to #10A, were all for the "Exposição do Mundo Português", which would open in Lisbon in June 23, 1940, include:
3.ª folha: Pavilhão de Honra e Pavilhão de Lisboa
4.ª folha: Fim do Pavilhão de Lisboa e começo do Pavilhão de Honra [advertises issue #21]
5.ª folha: Continuação do Pavilhão de Honra
6.ª folha: Continuação do Pavilhão de Honra

Index Status

Indexed Partially Indexed Pending Approval Reserved Skeleton Data Only

Cover Status

Scan available Needs Replacement No Scan available

Image Resources Status

SoO and Indicia Indicia SoO No Scans